Learning by choice

What The Deejay Said: A Critique From The Street!, 2006, Learning By Choice Publications
What the deejay said: online reviews
Whiteness Made Simple: stepping into the GREY zone, 2007, Learning By Choice Publications
CARRY-BEYOND REFLECTIONS: an audiography by Lezlee Lyrix, 2012, Learning By Choice Publications
The Uncanny Candroids, 2012, Learning By Choice Publications
Henry, W, A. & Worley, M. (eds), (2021) The SYSTEM is Sound: Narratives from beyond the UK Reggae bass-line, UK: Palgrave
Henry, W, A. (2012) Carry-Beyond Reflections: an audiography by Lezlee Lyrix, London: Learning By Choice Publications.
Henry, W, ‘Lez’. (2007) Whiteness Made Simple: stepping into the GREY zone, London: Learning By Choice Publications.
Henry, W, ‘Lez’. (2006) What The Deejay Said: A Critique From The Street!, London: Learning By Choice Publications.
Henry, W, A. (2020) ‘Schooling, education and the reproduction of inequality: Understanding Black and Minority Ethnic attitudes to learning in two London schools’ https://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/8GREBYCQWJFKEFX6WAND/full?target=10.1080/13613324.2020.1798386
Henry, W, A. (2016) ‘Education and Schooling’ (in) ‘Theory of Society and Culture’,
Henry, W, A. (Autumn, 2015) ‘Goal Models: a pathway to educational change’, UWL Alumni Magazine.
Henry, W, A. (2015) ‘Griots, Rappers & Deejays’; ‘Reggae’; ‘Sociological Research Methodologies’; ‘Rastafarianism’; (in) Shujaa, M.J. & Shujaa, K.J. (Eds), Encyclopedia of African Cultural Heritage in North America. Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE Publications
Henry, W, A. (2012) ‘Reggae, Rasta and the role of the deejay in the Black British Experience’ (in) Contemporary British History (J) Vol 26. No 3. pp 33.
Henry, W. A. (2002) ’Crucial Robbie’, p; 84. ‘Jah Shaka’, p. 155; ‘Lovers Rock’, p. 185; ‘Macka B’, pp 189-190; ‘Mad Professor’, p. 190; ‘Music’, pp. 204-207; ‘Sound System Deejays’, pp. 286-287. (in) Donnell, A. (ed) Companion To Contemporary Black British Culture, London: Routledge.
Henry, W, A. (2002) ‘Projecting The Natural: Language And Citizenship In Outernational Culture’, Critical Urban Studies: Occasional Papers, London: Centre For Urban And Community Research, Goldsmiths College. pp 28.
Chapters in books
Henry, W, A. (2020 forthcoming) ‘Black Lives Matter, decolonisation, and the legacy of African enslavement’ (in) Isaacs, S. (ed) Social Problems in the UK: An Introduction. London: Routledge.
Henry, W A. & Back, L. (Dec 2020) ‘Reggae culture as local knowledge: mapping the beats on southeast London streets’ (In) Henry, W, A. & Worley, M. (eds), (2020) The SYSTEM is Sound: Narratives from beyond the UK Reggae bass-line, UK: Palgrave
Henry, W, A. (2020), ‘Who feels it knows it! Alterity, identity and ‘epistemological privilege’: challenging white privilege from a black perspective within the academy’, in Thomas, D & Arday, J. (eds) Doing Diversity for Success in Higher Education: Towards a Decolonial Pluriversity, London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Henry, W, A. (2020), ‘While nuff ah right and rahbit, we write and arrange: Deejay lyricism and the transcendental use of the voice in alternative public spaces in the UK’ (in) Webb, J. Westmaas, R. Kaladeen, M. & Tantam, W. (eds), Memory, Migration and (De)colonisation in the Caribbean and Beyond. London: University of London Press. https://ilas.sas.ac.uk/publications/memory-migration-and-decolonisation-caribbean-and-beyond
Henry, W. A. (2020), ‘In memory of Madiba: Understanding Mandela as a popular cultural icon’, in 'Groundings between Brothers & Sisters. Continental and Transnational Africans in Dialogue’, Williams, E. (ed), Manchester: Manchester University Press. (Submitted awaiting review)
Henry, W, A. & Mullings-Lawrence, S. (2017), ‘Silence is virtual’, Youth violence, belonging, death and mourning’ (in) Subcultures Network (ed), Youth culture and social change: making a difference by making a noise, UK: Palgrave.
Henry, W, A. (2012) ‘Shades of consciousness: from Jamaica to the UK’ (in) Hall, R. (ed) The Melanin Millennium: Skin Color as the 21st Century International Discourse, Michigan, USA: Springer.
Henry, W, A. (2010) ‘Conceptualisation and effects of social exclusion, racism and discrimination and coping strategies of individuals and families’ (in) Hylton, C. & Ochieng, B. (eds) Black Families in Britain as the Site of Struggle, Manchester University Press. pp 169-187.
Henry, W, ‘Lez’. (2005) ‘Echo chamber: dialogue with William (Lez) Henry’ (in) Beckford, R. Jesus Dub: Theology, Music and Social Change, London: Routledge. pp 101-112.
Henry, W, A. (2005) ‘Projecting The Natural: Language, Citizenship and Representation In Outernational Culture’ (in) Besson, J. and Olwig, K. F. (eds) Caribbean Narratives of Belonging: Fields Of Relations, Sites of Identity, London: Macmillan Press Ltd. pp 280-297.
Henry, W, A. (2005) ‘British Deejay Culture – a Voice of the ‘the Voiceless’ Black Inner-city Youth’ (in) Anderson, M. Lithman, Y, G. & Sernhede, O. (eds) Youth, Otherness and the Plural City: Modes of belonging and Social Life, Göteborg, Sweden: Daidalos. pp 321-343.
Henry, W, A. & Back, L. (2003) ‘‘Chatting For Change!’ interview with William (Lez) Henry’, (in) Back, L. & Bull, M. (eds) The Auditory Cultures Reader, Oxford: Berg. pp 435-449.
Other writings
Henry, W. L. (October 2020) ‘Black history and the shaping of knowledge’ (in) 2020 EDITION OF THE ANNUAL BLACK HISTORY MONTH MAGAZINE https://www.blackhistorymonth.org.uk/article/section/bhm-intros/welcome-to-the-2020-edition-of-the-annual-black-history-month-magazine/
Henry, W. L. (June 2020) ‘Fatherhood, business and more’ interview (in) Butterfly Magazine, Vol 1. Issue 9. https://www.butterflymaag.com/
Henry, W, A. (2020) Wrote Preface (in) Gabriel, D. (ed) Transforming the Ivory Tower Models for Gender Equality and Social Justice, London: UCL.
Henry, W, A. (2020) Wrote programme feature on ‘Thinking beyond the legacy of African chattel enslavement’ for ‘The Royal Shakespeare Company’ for their play The Whip, Stratford Upon Avon.
Henry, W, A. (October 2019) ‘Dub Poetry’, The Wire Magazine. https://www.thewire.co.uk/in-writing/essays/every-timei-hear-di-sound-a-short-history-of-dub-poetry
Henry, W, A. (October 2018) ‘Fear The Talking Dread’, The Wire Magazine, Windrush Special Edition.
Henry, W, A. & Back, L. (2018), Co-wrote storyboards for ‘Then and Now’, Black
History Month Exhibition, on behalf of ‘Made In Lewisham’, London.
Henry, W, A. (2019) Wrote the introduction for the Reggae Music Exhibition at the
‘Youth Club I Museum of Youth Culture’ London.
Henry, W, A. (2018) Wrote Introduction for 'Voices From The Front Line', published by
198 Contemporary Arts and Learning Gallery: London.
Henry, W, A. (2018) Wrote Preface and a poem entitled ‘Di Grenfell Fire ah Murder’,
in Emmanuelle, P. (ed), Poetry 4 Grenfell: Voices from Da Grove and Latimer, London:
Kamitan Arts.